4 Anti-Aging Tips to Keep the Brain Young

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Keeping your brain young is probably one of the smartest things that you can do especially if you’re interesting in a long, happy and healthy life.

Who doesn’t want this?

That said, here are 4 anti-aging tips that will help you keep your brain young:

#1: Exercise

Getting your heart to beat faster through aerobic exercise is an excellent way to keep your brain young and healthy. If you can, then get a routine of both weight training and aerobics too. So, through exercise, if we are able to supply more blood (and oxygen!) to the brain, it stays youthful!

#2: Feed your mind

Nutrition is one way to contribute to your brain’s wellbeing. Make sure what you eat is not ‘heavy’ on the brain but enables it to work better. In fact, the best things that you eat for your body work just as well for your brains too.

#3: Speed up your brain

Even though our brains tend to slow down when we’re in our 30s, you can speed up your brain to be younger by training it. One of the ways to do this is by working on speech, language and hearing. However, it’s been found that if you train your brain, it is flexible enough at any age. In the process, it will speed up as well.

#4: Laugh

Apart from having sex or eating chocolate, humor tends to have a magical effect on the brain which involves releasing ‘dopamine’. While there are studies being conducted that are yet to fully prove that laughter helps the brain, the truth is that it is one of those activities that will helps make us ‘feel good’.

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