4 Anti-Aging Tips to Live a Long and Healthy Life

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Health isn’t just about the body but also includes the mind and soul. It’s a fact that that will hold you in good stead if you want to still stay healthy in your 80s and 90s.

While choosing your parents can ensure you live a long and healthy, that’s not a choice that is in your hands.

However, there are other things that can be done, in order to slow down the aging process, so as to live a long and healthy Life.

So, here are 4 anti-aging tips:

#1: Keep Your Brain Active

Much like the body, the brain needs exercise too. In order to open new neurological pathways, your mind has to be challenged from time to time. Some of the ways by which you can do this is by learning a new language, read or even be more aware of your surroundings.

#3: Exercise

Some of the realities of aging involve loss of stamina, bone density, balance as well as muscle strength, and this is only dealt with effectively by consistent exercise. Eight to ten exercises with a single set of eight to fifteen reps and twice to thrice a week should be excellent for a start for a week.

#4: Consume antioxidants and supplements

Since antioxidants neutralize free radicals and supplements make up for the nutrients that your normal diet cannot provide, it’s a good idea to consume both as much as possible.

#5: Sleep

A lack of sleep not only hastens death but it also increases your risk of heart attacks and strokes. Worse still, your mind won’t function at its best either. At an emotional level, you tend to be less peaceful and prone to anger. This is why doctors suggest eight hours of sleep everyday.

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