A Micro Bed of Nails to the Face Helping Skin Look Young?

A possible alternative to the botox and fillers of yesterday can be found with “micro-needling” some research seems to imply.  This technique involves moving a special device over your skin that has a roller with many tiny (usually metal) sterile needles embedded in it.  The needling is supposed to allow ingredients to penetrate better and improve the look and feel of skin over time. It seems to make sense on paper but let’s break it down some more.

Young woman choosing cosmetic cream in beauty shop.

Most of the consumers models focus on derma rollers or even skin patches with needles embedded in them.  While most of the positive research for this technique comes more from Dermapens and Dermastamps which is not typically sold to the consumer.

Building collagen help reduce the signs of aging & the Dermapen and Dermastamp have emerging research about their benefits for wrinkles as an easy procedure that’s far less costly than other surgical and costly alternatives. The Dermaroller, on the other hand, has no available research to be found, theoretically there’s logic that can support the products claims on some level.

You know your body can heal itself, but repeated injury causes injuries to any part of your body, that includes your skin.  you constantly injure your skin on a consistent basis, eventually you will experience harmful results. This is why it’s hard to be enthusiasts of micro-needling devices for at home use at this point. What about infections?  What if customers abuse the product by using it to often or applying to much pressure for the treatments.  Some treatments like this are best used by professionals.  If you truly want the positive benefit research seems to support professional applying vs at home.
Adore Organic Innovations are a line of cosmetics that utilize the stem cells of organic plants to revitalize the skin. Adore Cosmetics helps the skin self renew while slowing the aging process. Learn more about Adore Cosmetics on Twitter.

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