Baby Boomers require more protein in their diet, reveals a Tufts study

While a cookie and a cup of tea might be everyone’s favorite afternoon snack, this doesn’t help baby boomers much – a Tufts study reveals.


With muscle mass declining at a rate of 1-2 percent, it’s better for people above the age of 50 to consume milk or a hard-boiled egg instead.


The study goes on to estimate that most people falling in this age group, between the age of 51 to 70, do not consume an adequate amount of protein.


In fact, the study goes on to conclude that in order to reverse muscle loss (an aspect of anti-aging), baby boomers must not only consume an adequate amount of protein but also participate in physical activity which includes weights as well as swimming, running and cycling.


Overall, spending time doing 20 percent more exercise as well as consuming 20 percent lesser calories in their diet can go a long way to prevent a number of diseases that afflict this age group namely diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia.


Further research conducted by the U.S Department of Agriculture states that 90 grams of protein will help strengthen one’s muscles. Experts believe that moderating your protein intake throughout the day will ensure that your muscles will benefit from a steady flow of amino acids.


And even though baby boomers do have access to the internet, they find it difficult to find accurate and reliable information pertaining to what diet and exercises need to be take in order to maintain their health and delay the aging process.


It is recommended that doctors spend more time with these patients giving them the pertinent nutrition information and education required to make the necessary lifestyle changes.

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