Makeup Tricks to Look Younger

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Written by Cosmix Inc. 

While many people undergo plastic surgery to appear younger, a growing number of consumers are not willing to go under the knife to go back in time. Luckily, the beauty industry offers a wide range of products for people who want to tap into the fountain of youth. At any given department store, it’s easy to find a lotion or serum that promises to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, reverse sun damage, tone saggy areas, or de-puff eyes. Do you want to even out skin tones and textures? There’s a product for that, too.

But what many people don’t realize is that the fountain of youth might be close than they think — in their makeup bags! The fact is that everyday makeup products can be used to help minimize the appearance of aging. The secret is learning the right tricks. If you don’t have time to visit one of the schools of makeup artistry, here are a few makeup tricks guaranteed to help you look younger.

Get Youthful Eyes

Do you want youthful eyes? There are many makeup tricks that can significantly help to minimize the appearance of aging from your eyes. If you have droopy or wrinkled eyes, lift them up by emphasizing the upper part of the eye. It’s also important to use fairly light eye shadows as opposed to strong colors such as blue, green, charcoal, or black. Use warm soft hues such as creams and warm browns to create a youthful look. And don’t forget to apply a cream eye base before applying the shadow.

Youthful Cheeks

It’s possible to look years younger simply by using the right color blush. When shopping for blush, go for soft pinks or light corals. You can even blend the two to create a hue that works for you. Blush can also help emphasize the eyes and lift the face. What’s the trick? Cosmix Inc. recommends adding some extra blush high up around the temples and outside of the eye.

Youthful Lips

As we age, our lips become thinner and lose their shape. Another problem that comes with aging is that lipsticks bleed easier. This is because lip products sink into the new lines around the mouth, also called bleeding. To prevent bleeding, use a lip liner pencil to define your lips. To prevent sun damage, use a vitamin E stick.

Finally, pick natural colors to complete your youthful look. Extremely bright colors are overpowering, and dark hues tend to add more years to the face. Stick to natural colors and avoid frosted formulas that worsen the look of wrinkles.


Cosmix Inc. is an accredited and licensed makeup academy in South Florida. Visit the website to sign up for one of the leading production, fashion, and special effects makeup schools in the nation.

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